Haskap Shrub


A fizzy winter beverage

Some things are worth the wait! A week of maceration brings out all the flavour and leaves you with a tart and delicious base for cocktails.

Estimated Time

Prep Time: 5 min (with 7 days of resting time) Make time: 10 min

Makes: 4L (enough to last a year!)



2 parts apple cider vinegar

1 part white vinegar

1 part water

12 C haskaps (thawed, if frozen)

¼ C sugar for every cup of juice

*Essentially a vinegar solution 3 parts vinegar, one part water*


  1. Place haskap berries in a large bowl and cover with the vinegar solution.

  2. Let sit for at least seven days on the counter, covered.

  3. Pour everything into a blender and blend on high for a few seconds then strain all the liquid with the help of a muslin or a nut bag.

  4. Place liquid in a large sauce pot, along with sugar, and boil for 10 minutesSeal into mason jars.

  5. To drink, place 1-2T in a jar, top up with carbonated water & enjoy.


Photography & Recipe by: Melanie Villeneuve of Urtica Design with bison from Sych Homestead
This recipe was featured in Trailblazher Magazine Winter Issue 2022.