Haskap Shirley Temple

Clear glasses filled with a haskap drink, garnished with an orange curl.

A glass full of Shirley Temple reminds me what it means to be a kid.

I remember going with my parents to large family dinners and there would always be a Shirley Temple in it for me if I was on my best behavior.

Now I have gotten to a cycle of life where I have kids of my own to share this delightful treat with, except that I like to sneak in a few extra ingredients like haskap simple syrup (instead of commercial grenadine) and top it up with Sap Sucker which is carbonated maple water for that extra bit of hydration and minerals.

Making these is a breeze. Add juice and syrup to the bottom of the glass, top with ice and fill with soda. The beautiful gradient look comes from pouring in the soda slowly at the star so that it doesn’t mix in fully.

Pop in a straw and honestly, it’s everything you remember from childhood and more.

Estimated Time

Prep Time: 5 min Make time: 1 min

Makes: Roughly 1 cup



Soda - we used Sap Sucker, but you can use the traditional 7up

Orange juice

Haskap simple syrup

Haskap berries


  1. Add haskap simple syrup, a few frozen haskaps and orange juice to the bottom of your glass before filling up with ice.

  2. Fill the rest of the way with Sap Sucker (or your favorite clear soda like 7up) and you’re off to the races.


Photography & Recipe by: Melanie Villeneuve of Urtica Design